Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Writing to Learn

Creating this log is an exercise in writing to learn. I find blogging a great way to collect and organize and synthesize information, and to sort out my thoughts.

“I don’t know what I think until I see what I’ve said.” E.M. Forster

Order of Posts

Please notice that I have inserted these posts so they may be read in order from the top of the page to the bottom instead of with the last post written at the top of the page, as blog posts are usually shown.

I've placed my bibliography and some useful links
in a post toward the bottom of the blog page.

Strengthening Sentences: Background

Strengthening Sentences: Sentence Imitating, Sentence Combining, and More
Demonstration Lesson by Claudia Dorsey
CUWP Summer Institute 2009

Find the PowerPoint and Handout at

Background: As we’ve discussed what we should do to help our students improve their writing, I and my fellow seventh grade teachers at American Fork Junior High, keep coming back to the idea that many of our students (actually most, if not all) need help at the sentence level.

Trying direct instruction, we kept hearing, “What is a noun?” and “Isn’t the word 'I' a proper noun?” Selectively pointing out repeated errors in their papers for them to work on often failed because they didn’t understand what we were trying to tell them. Daily oral language became “once-in-awhile” oral language because I wasn’t seeing transfer to student’s own writing.

Research had nixed many of the strategies I’d tried, but there was some positive talk among experts (the ones who weren’t nay-sayers about all such efforts) concerning sentence combining and imitating.

I’ve used sentence combining. When I was new to teaching junior high in the ‘90s, the materials I was handed along with the keys to a classroom included sheets of sentence combining activities, and I used them now and then. Does anyone remember the classic “Tucker was a trucker. He was stuck. He was in the muck. He was out of luck. He was near Winnemucca.”?

The now and then combining didn’t seem to do much for my students, or for me. Now I realize that I had only a shallow understanding of how to help my students through sentence combining.

A couple of years ago, I discovered Killgallon’s Sentence Composing for Middle School, and was excited at the possibilities, but once again, I wasn’t consistent. Part of the problem was that I was trying to follow too closely what I saw as the program prescribed in the book, and my students (and I) grew weary too soon. Again this year I did a little of each, but still was not consistent enough to make any real progress.

Curious, and feeling that if applied correctly, these practices could positively impact student writing, I’ve decided to again do daily sentence work – at least most days – and with an increased understanding of how to make it work for both me and the students. So here goes. . .

Strengthening Sentences: Burning Questions

Strengthening Sentences: Burning Questions

1. What can I do to help my students write clearer, stronger sentences? (That does include capitalizing sentence beginnings and punctuating the endings, as well as saying what they mean in between.)
2. How can I engage (and maintain engagement for) my students and myself in the work that must be done to improve sentences? (Can at at least part of it feel a bit like play?)
3. Will the work we do with sentences transfer to their paragraphs, essays, narratives, and other writing?

4. I'm wondering how students can IMITATE and COMBINE to clarify and express understanding in other content areas.
5. I'm wondering if I can contribute to what teachers are doing in the other content areas by selecting model sentences and paragraphs and topics that will reinforce student learning in those classes.

Strengthening Sentences: Hypothesis

Strengthening Sentences: Hypothesis

Research suggests that correctly using sentence imitation and sentence combining techniques will help my students improve their writing. Using these techniques wisely and well over time will be worthwhile. As I've studied about these techniques, I've picked up on variations and added activities that could enrich the "study" of how to generate diverse and effective sentences.

Note: More than once in my reading, I found statements, based on research, suggesting that sentence combining/imitation does result in improvement of student writing/sentences -- improvement that is accelerated over that of students in a control group not taught with combining and imitation. Apologetically added to those statements was the admission that the control group caught up with time. (Sources cited to be inserted here.)

That does not discourage me from using these teaching strategies. The sooner my students can feel more comfortable and confident with their writing, the better! I've spent too long working with readers who, because they are behind their peers, develop negative attitudes toward reading and miss out on much of the learning that is otherwise available to them. The development of competency in reading and writing must be a priority for teachers now.

Strengthening Sentences: Core Standards

Strengthening Sentences: Core Standards

Utah State Core: Seventh Grade Language Arts
Standard 2 -
Objective 3 (Revision and Editing): Revise and edit to strengthen ideas, organization, voice,
word choice, sentence fluency and conventions.
a. Evaluate and revise for: . . .
Varied sentence beginnings and sentence length.

Strengthening Sentences: Rationale

Strengthening Sentences: Rationale for using Sentence Imitation, Combining, and other Related Exercises

1. ". . . using models in the teaching of writing can free students to concentrate on ideas, enabling them to concentrate on the content of what they are writing without being unduly restricted by concerns of form." (Butler)

2. “The first reason that we should reintroduce imitation in the composition classroom is that it would enable composition teachers to teach students what we expect them to write.” (Butler) [We should provide our students with clear expectations, clear learning targets.]

3. ". . . in some instances adherents of process approaches to writing create situations in which students ultimately find themselves held accountable for knowing a set of rules about which no one has ever directly informed them" (Delpit) [This especially, as Delpit and others point out, applies to our minority and lower income students.]

4. In their "For Teachers. . . " section of Sentence Composing for Elementary School, the Killgallons (vi) suggest that sentence imitation practices could also improve reading comprehension, and later quote (vii) from Francis Christensen the idea that work with sentence composing could help the student "thread the syntactical maze of much mature writing. . ." (137).

5. ". . . it seems that one objection to imitation, based on the idea that only an individual genius alone can produce a competent work, is unsound. When we write, we are not drawing exclusively upon what is within us but also upon many other factors in our lives: our environments, upbringing, past readings and writings, and conversations in many different contexts. All of these factors mix and match and affect what comes out on the page." (Butler)

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“Imitation is both sincere flattery, and profound pedagogy.” -- Don and Jenny Killgallon (viii)

"Even though imitation requires imagination, no one wants to admit it." -- Butler

"Imitate that you may be different" (190) -- Corbett

Strengthening Sentences: Principles and Suggestions

Strengthening Sentences: Principles and Suggestions

Deborah Dean, in her book Strategic Writing provides these "Three overriding principles"(157):

1. ". . . I have to be engaged. I have to be interested in sentences and what they do and how they work. . . . I have to be the instigator and the example for my students."

2. ". . . this work with sentences shouldn't be about right and wrong but about what effects different structures and patterns have on meaning and on audience."

[These are Level 1* writing activities, sometimes moving on to level 2, but usually not graded. In her essay, "Sentence Combining: Building Skills through Reading and Writing," Dr. Dean adds that "Talk and reflection are essential."

3. ". . .What we do with sentences has to connect to what students are currently writing. . . . "Now I try to use effective sentences from models of the same genre my students are reading and writing so that structures match in genre, tone, and topic."

A suggestion from James Gray, as reported by Paul Butler:
"Eventually, students look at longer passages in order to see sentences used in context. According to Gray, this is the most important step in the process. "(in Butler)

And I add my own suggestions:

1. Consistency and "persistency": As a teacher you need to involve your students in sentence work on a daily basis over a long period of time.

That leads to
2. Variety: You can't do the same thing every day. You can be doing similar things with variations that keep up interest. Students tend to be comfortable within a routine, but more than one strategy can be used within that routine. See the next post -- on strategies -- for lists of strategies that fit under and extend on sentence imitation and sentence combining.

3. I must add an "amen" to Deborah Dean's insistence that the teacher must be engaged (interested) in these activities. Like Dr. Dean, I love finding and collecting those gems that are beautifully crafted sentences. And I genuinely enjoy trying to imitate them, and reading and hearing the imitations my students create. I became much more interested in sentence imitation and combining when I realized I could go out and find sentences I love, and I could involve students in digging up sentence treasures.

Photo from http://pro.corbisimages.com/

*Deborah Dean is also the source -- for me-- of the idea of levels of writing. "Level One writing is writing that is less formal, more spontaneous. It is writing that doesn't go through the entire writing process. . . . usually graded for participation or ideas or following directions."
(Adapted from Meyer and Meyer, Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools)

Strengthening Sentences: Strategies

Strengthening Sentences: Strategies that fit under and extend on sentence imitation and sentence combining

The Killgallons use these strategies in their work with sentence composing:
  1. Sentence Chunking (Identifying chunks of meaning within sentence)
  2. Sentence Unscrambling (Unscrambling chunks for meaning)
  3. Paragraph Unscrambling
  4. Recognizing Matching Sentence Structures
  5. Imitating Sentence Structures using new topics for the sentences.
  6. Imitating Paragraphs
  7. Imitating Long Sentences (Fellows from CUWP, Jeanette showed us this one with "Letter from Birmingham Jail.)
  8. Decombining Sentences
  9. Combining, then Imitating
  10. Combining in Paragraphs
  11. Sentence Expanding -- with words, with phrases, with clauses
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Anderson, in Everyday Grammar, discusses these strategies:
  1. Deconstruct
  2. Imitate -- show the model
  3. Students imitate
  4. Combine
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Bill Strong suggests that for basic readers you could use these sentence strategies:
  1. Transcribing
  2. Content-Based Dictation
  3. Summarizing and Paraphrasing (after the teacher has broken a paragraph or passage up into a list of sentences.
  4. Sentence Combining
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There are two major types of sentence combining requests:
  • Open -- Students may chose to combine the sentences in any way that works.
  • Closed (or Cued) -- The teacher narrows the choice for how the sentences may be combined. The student must use the teacher-determined method to combine the sentences, such as using an appositive phrase, a participial phrase, or an adjective clause.

Selected Bibliography and Links

Selected Bibliography and Links

Anderson, Jeff. Everyday Editing: Inviting Students to Develop Skill and Craft in Writer’s Workshop. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse, 2007.

Butler, Paul. "Imitation as Freedom: (Re)Forming Student Writing." The Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 2. Spring 2002. (http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/361)

Corbett, Edward P. J. 1989. "The Theory and Practice of Classical Rhetoric." Selected Essays of Edward P. J. Corbett. Ed. Robert J. Connors. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.

Dean, Deborah. Strategic Writing: The Writing Process and Beyond in the Secondary English Classroom. Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English, 2006.
[Dr. Dean also sent me an an article she had written titled "Sentence Combining: Building Skills through Reading and Writing," in an e-mail dated Monday - July 6, 2009 5:13 PM.]

Delpit, Lisa. 1995. Other People's Children: Cultural Conflicts in the Classroom. New York: New Press.

Ehrenworth, Mary and Vicki Vinton. The Power of Grammar: Unconventional Approaches to the Conventions of Language. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2005.

Farmer, Frank M., and Phillip K. Arrington. 1995. "Apologies and Accommodations: Imitation and the Writing Process." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23: 12-34.

Gray, James.1983. "Sentence Modeling." Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Composition: Processing, Distancing, and Modeling. Ed. Miles Myers and James Gray. Urbana, IL: NCTE. 185-202.

Killgallon, Don and Jenny. Sentence Composing for Elementary School: A Worktext to Build Better Sentences. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2000.

Killgallon, Don. Sentence Composing for Middle School: A Worktext on Sentence Variety and Maturity. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1997.

Noden, Harry. Image Grammar: Using Grammatical Structures to Teach Writing. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999.

Stong, William. Write for Insight:Empowering Content Area Learning, Grades 6-12. Boston: Pearson, 2006.

Strong, William. Coaching Writing: The Power of Guided Practice. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2001.

Weaver, Constance. Teaching Grammar in Context. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1996.

Seminal books and articles:

Christensen, F. 1967. Notes Toward a New Rhetoric. New York: Harper & Row Publisher, Inc.

Connors, Robert J. 2000. "The Erasure of the Sentence." CCC 52.1: 96-128.

Farmer, Frank M., and Phillip K. Arrington. 1995. "Apologies and Accommodations: Imitation and the Writing Process." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23: 12-34.


I started a discussion in March on the English Companion Ning. You could become a follower of this discussion, so you'll get a notification of new posts. Teachers from all over are sending suggestions and discussing this topic. See it at

Find Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools at http://www.carnegie.org/literacy/why.html.
See page 141 for Eleven Elements of Effective Adolescent Writing Instruction.
#6 on the list is "Sentence Combining, which involves teaching students to construct more complex, sophisticated sentences." See also page 155.
See page 189- 190 for references to studies on Sentence -Combining.

Click on the tab for "Understanding Phrases."
This is about phrasing for reading comprehension, but the ideas could also be adapted to writing. The phrases could be manipulated manually, or on an overhead, or on cards. Students could stand in a line to correctly order their words or phrases.

This is a marvelous collection of sentences to use as models -- listed by categories.

Helpful information:


Fun and Games and Learning:
If you haven't heard of Grammar Punk, it's time to check it out at

Sentence games:

Strategic Writing -- Doctor Dean

From Deborah Dean's Strategic Writing (http://www1.ncte.org/store/books/123373.htm):
See pages 156 though page 159.

"Despite this pleasure I have received my whole life from sentences artfully constructed, I had not really considered sentences as strategies that good writers had access to and inexperienced writers did not. (156)"

Three overriding principles (157):
1. ". . . I have to be engaged. I have to be interested in sentences and what they do and how they work. . . . I have to be the instigator and the example for my students."
2. ". . . this work with sentences shouldn't be about right and wrong but about what effects different structures and patterns have on meaning and on audience."
3. ". . .What we do with sentences has to connect to what students are currently writing. . . . "Now I try to use effective sentences from models of the same genre my students are reading and writing so that structures match in genre, tone, and topic."

Doctor Dean also includes a list of helpful books and articles on pages 158 through 159.

Other Quotes and Concerns

“Imitation is
a dangerous cliff
above the cavern
of plagiarism.”
--adapted from Noden, Image Grammar, 70

“Imitation emulates the techniques that produced the art; plagiarism attempts to duplicate the entire art.”
--adapted from Noden, Image Grammar, 70.

" Those with enough equanimity to try a few imitations now and then will learn something about their craft that can hardly be learned so quickly in any other way. (30)" -- R.V. Cassill as quoted in Noden, 71.

Monday, July 6, 2009

From Eric Ferrin, Math Teacher

I sent an e-mail to our CUWP group, asking about the use of imitation in their classes. Below is Eric Ferrin's response. I've bolded a portion that is certainly a concern for all of us -- helping students transfer their learning to other writing situations.

Much of math is imitation.

For example, you show a student a problem, you describe the steps to solving it in order to get an answer. Then you hand the students a problem that is similar in nature, and they have to imitate the steps in order to solve the problem.

Imitation has it's difficulties, however. Students can imitate a certain type of problem, but when you change it just a little, the students feel that they no longer understand how to do it. After the imitation to teach how to do something, you need to make sure that find a way to make a connection to be able to achieve transference. It is this part that I am working on making sure I establish better into my own math curriculum.

I hope this helps.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sample Sentence Exercise from my Seventh Grade Class

Sentence Combining
1. Students completed a Sentence Combining Worksheet. They learned about combining sentences by taking a key word (adverb, adjective, or participle) from a short sentence to combine with another short sentence. For example:
1. "I passed my English test. I passed it yesterday." (adverb)
This could be changed to "Yesterday, I passed my English test."
2. "Ella did the exercises with ease. The exercises were difficult." (adjective)
This could be changed to "Ella did the difficult exercises with ease."
3. "Joe's dog scares people. Joe's dog snarls." (participle)
This could be changed to "Joe's snarling dog scares people."

Looking for Sentence Variety
2. Looking for Sentence Variety in their own writing:
a) Students completed a chart for looking at the lengths and beginnings of their sentences from an essay they had written.

b) Students completed the back of the chart and read and studied selected information in the Writing and Grammar textbook.

Sentence Revising in their own Writing
c) Students revised at least 5 sentences from their essays by correcting fragments or run-ons, changing beginnings (for variety or effect), or by dividing or combining sentences.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Writing Next

Find Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools at http://www.carnegie.org/literacy/why.html.
See page 141 for Eleven Elements of Effective Adolescent Writing Instruction.
#6 on the list is "Sentence Combining, which involves teaching students to construct more complex, sophisticated sentences." See also page 155.
See page 189- 190 for references to studies on Sentence -Combining.

Why Sentences?

There are so many things to teach when teaching writing, and perhaps the best teaching is giving students opportunities to write and to read. Some of my seventh grade students come to me writing fluent, flowing, effective sentences. Others don't have enough of confidence and skills to get what they could say onto paper. I'd like to help both types of students -- the more proficient to expand their repertoires and to see that sentence revision can increase the clarity and power of their writing, and for the kids who lack sentence skills, I would like to open up to them their own potential for written expression.