Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Selected Bibliography and Links

Selected Bibliography and Links

Anderson, Jeff. Everyday Editing: Inviting Students to Develop Skill and Craft in Writer’s Workshop. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse, 2007.

Butler, Paul. "Imitation as Freedom: (Re)Forming Student Writing." The Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 2. Spring 2002. (http://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/361)

Corbett, Edward P. J. 1989. "The Theory and Practice of Classical Rhetoric." Selected Essays of Edward P. J. Corbett. Ed. Robert J. Connors. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press.

Dean, Deborah. Strategic Writing: The Writing Process and Beyond in the Secondary English Classroom. Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English, 2006.
[Dr. Dean also sent me an an article she had written titled "Sentence Combining: Building Skills through Reading and Writing," in an e-mail dated Monday - July 6, 2009 5:13 PM.]

Delpit, Lisa. 1995. Other People's Children: Cultural Conflicts in the Classroom. New York: New Press.

Ehrenworth, Mary and Vicki Vinton. The Power of Grammar: Unconventional Approaches to the Conventions of Language. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2005.

Farmer, Frank M., and Phillip K. Arrington. 1995. "Apologies and Accommodations: Imitation and the Writing Process." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23: 12-34.

Gray, James.1983. "Sentence Modeling." Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Composition: Processing, Distancing, and Modeling. Ed. Miles Myers and James Gray. Urbana, IL: NCTE. 185-202.

Killgallon, Don and Jenny. Sentence Composing for Elementary School: A Worktext to Build Better Sentences. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2000.

Killgallon, Don. Sentence Composing for Middle School: A Worktext on Sentence Variety and Maturity. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1997.

Noden, Harry. Image Grammar: Using Grammatical Structures to Teach Writing. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1999.

Stong, William. Write for Insight:Empowering Content Area Learning, Grades 6-12. Boston: Pearson, 2006.

Strong, William. Coaching Writing: The Power of Guided Practice. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2001.

Weaver, Constance. Teaching Grammar in Context. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1996.

Seminal books and articles:

Christensen, F. 1967. Notes Toward a New Rhetoric. New York: Harper & Row Publisher, Inc.

Connors, Robert J. 2000. "The Erasure of the Sentence." CCC 52.1: 96-128.

Farmer, Frank M., and Phillip K. Arrington. 1995. "Apologies and Accommodations: Imitation and the Writing Process." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 23: 12-34.


I started a discussion in March on the English Companion Ning. You could become a follower of this discussion, so you'll get a notification of new posts. Teachers from all over are sending suggestions and discussing this topic. See it at

Find Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High Schools at http://www.carnegie.org/literacy/why.html.
See page 141 for Eleven Elements of Effective Adolescent Writing Instruction.
#6 on the list is "Sentence Combining, which involves teaching students to construct more complex, sophisticated sentences." See also page 155.
See page 189- 190 for references to studies on Sentence -Combining.

Click on the tab for "Understanding Phrases."
This is about phrasing for reading comprehension, but the ideas could also be adapted to writing. The phrases could be manipulated manually, or on an overhead, or on cards. Students could stand in a line to correctly order their words or phrases.

This is a marvelous collection of sentences to use as models -- listed by categories.

Helpful information:


Fun and Games and Learning:
If you haven't heard of Grammar Punk, it's time to check it out at

Sentence games:

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